Illinois Concealed Carry Classes, Military & Veterans
What you need to know about the class
The class begins promptly at 8:30 am at 1325 Remington Rd, Suite E. Schaumburg, IL 60173. Please arrive before 8:25 to start the check-in process.
$25 Range Fee (Cash or Zelle) (Not included in class tuition)
Optional Equipment rental includes firearms, ammunition, and eye and ear protection. This is an additional $25 collected along with the range fee.
You should bring a notepad to take notes.
Copy of DD214, FOID Card if you have one or State ID, Driver’s License.
Fingerprints are optional and can be taken on location. They cost $70 cash or $75 with another form of payment. Our vendor, Premier Live-scan LLC, does fingerprints.
We will not break for lunch. We will be working through lunch so you should bring a lunch or snack to hold you over.
CNC Academy has complimentary refreshments like Coffee, Water, and Soft Drinks.
Firearm and 30 rounds loaded into a magazine 10 rounds in each mag. Please leave them in your vehicle.
The range live-fire qualification occurs at Gat Guns as soon as the classroom portion is completed, 970 Dundee Ave, East Dundee, IL 60118, less than 20 minutes from the classroom.
Optional Equipment Rental:
The rental includes firearms, ammunition, and eye and ear protection. An additional $25 is collected along with the range fee. Please inform me you will need a rental when I collect the range fee.