The Importance of Continued Training for Concealed Carry

The Importance of Continued Training for Concealed Carry When it comes to concealed carry, it is not enough to simply obtain a permit and purchase a firearm. The responsibility of carrying a concealed weapon requires ongoing training and practice to ensure the safety of oneself and others. In this article, we will explore the importance of continued training for concealed carry, with a focus on holster draw and proper grip.


One of the most critical aspects of concealed carry training is mastering the skill of a quick and efficient holster draw. In a self-defense situation, every second counts, and being able to draw your firearm swiftly and safely can make all the difference. Regular training sessions that focus on holster draw techniques can help improve muscle memory and reaction times.

During these Reality-Based CCL Simulation training sessions, it is crucial to practice drawing from various positions and scenarios. This includes drawing from a seated position while moving or even when caught off guard. By simulating real-life situations, individuals can better prepare themselves for the unexpected and develop the necessary skills to respond effectively