Start your Journey to get Ready to Carry Confidently?
C-N-C Academy, LLC specializes in firearms training and Illinois Concealed Carry Classes. Our experienced instructor will provide comprehensive, safe, and friendly instruction for all levels. We offer various CCL classes to meet your needs, from basic firearms safety courses to advanced defensive tactics and Illinois concealed carry classes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced shooter, we have the class for you. We aim to HELP GOOD PEOPLE CARRY TO DEFEND so you become a better, more responsible, and confident firearm owner and shooter. Contact us today to learn more about our IL CCL classes and get started.
The Concealed Carry Weapons course is designed to satisfy the requirements to obtain a state of Illinois Concealed Carry permit. Your training will encompass both classroom and live fire training. Our instructors also provide you with a complete overview of the basics of managing unknown contact, basic shooting skills, situational awareness, and equipment/clothing considerations as well as justifiable use of force. Students will be required to pass a practical shooting test involving 30 rounds, 10 rounds at 5 yards and at 7 yards, and 10 rounds at 10 yards. You must achieve a 70% in the scoring area of the target. You will have two chances to qualify if needed 99% of students pass first try. The course is a total of 16 hours over two days.
Class Covers:
Instructor Introduction - Course Outline with Statistics and Trends
Lesson One: Developing a Personal Protection Plan
How Common is Violent Crime in the United States?
Why is Conflict Avoidance So Important?
Situational Awareness
Action Versus Reaction
Observing Our Environment
Planning for Home Security
Mental Exercises
How a Concealed Carry Permit Fits
Lesson Two: Self-Defense Firearms Basics
Four Universal Safety Rules
Properly Clearing Semi-Automatics and Revolvers
Additional Safety Considerations
Double Action vs. Single Action
Detailed Revolver and Semi-Automatic Explanation
Handgun Sizes and Weights
Pro and Cons of Different Handgun Options
Ammunition and Ballistic Basics
Ammunition & Semi-Automatic Malfunctions and their Clearance
An Introduction to Home Defense Shotguns and the AR-15 Platform
Tasers and Pepper Spray
Lesson Three: Shooting Fundamentals
Muscle Memory Explained
Proper Grip
Stance or "Shooting Platform"
Point Shooting
Flash Sight Picture
Sighted Fire
Trigger Control
Lesson Four: The Legal Use of Force
Reviewing the Legal Definitions of Reasonable Force and Deadly Force
Understanding the Use of Force Continuum
A Detailed Walkthrough of the Four Pillars for Justifying the Use of Deadly Force
How Defense in the Home Differs from Outside the Home
Defending Property
Lesson Five: Violent Encounters and Their Aftermath
Understanding Fight or Flight
The Physiological Reactions Associated with Extreme Stress
Issuing Commands and Reviewing Our Options
When We're Left With No Other Choice
When the Right to Use Deadly Force Ends
The Immediate Aftermath
Dealing With the Police
Lesson Six: Gear and Gadgets
Explaining Holster Retention
Types of Holsters Including Belt, Pancake, Inside the Waistband and Holsters for Deep Concealment
Other Gear Including Belts, Tactical Flashlights, Mounted Lights, Night Sights and Lasers
Gun Safes and Storage
Lesson Seven: Basic and Advanced Skills
Muscle Memory Revisited
Properly and Safely Conducting Dry Fire Exercises
Self-Led and Instructor-Led Range Exercises from Beginner to Expert
Drawing from the Holster
Flashlight Options
Getting Your Spouse Involved
Raising Kids around Guns
What's Next?
Lesson Eight: Illinois Law
Emphasis on 430 ILCS 66/10(h) which includes instruction on the appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting or carrying a concealed firearm.
Emphasis on 430 ILCS 66/65 which includes instruction on prohibited areas and the parking lot exception.
The FOID Act 430 ILCS 65/1 et. seq.
Relevant portions of the ILCS including but not limited to
720 ILCS 5/7-1. Use of force in defense of a person
720 ILCS 5/7-2. Use of force in defense of dwelling
720 ILCS 5/7-3. Use of force in defense of other property
720 ILCS 24/1 et. seq. Unlawful Use of Weapons
Students will be able to define dwelling, aggressor, forcible felony and the unlawful use of weapons pursuant to the Illinois Compiled Statutes